Point of Beginning Initiative — Conrad Blucher Institute

The problem: A critical need for a skilled workforce

The number of skilled professionals entering the geospatial and land surveying fields has steadily declined and high-paying jobs across Texas are going unfilled.

The median age of registered professional land surveyors in Texas is 60. With academic programs in land surveying seeing declines in enrollment, it is increasingly difficult to find new surveyors to step into roles left empty by a retiring workforce.

View more statistics and details about the state of the surveying profession in Texas.


The solution: An educational pathway for K-12 students

To reverse these trends, education and awareness of geospatial engineering and land surveying is critical and must begin at the K-12 level.

A new pathway forward must be established through the widespread implementation of a Geospatial Engineering and Land Surveying Career and Technical Education (CTE) Pathway in Texas high schools.


How we’re doing it

The Conrad Blucher Institute, in collaboration with educational and industry partners, is leading the way in promoting and assisting Texas Independent School Districts (ISDs) in establishing this CTE Pathway.

We are creating an educational pathway for K-12 students interested in pursuing a degree or career in the fields of geospatial engineering and land surveying.

The CBI Point of Beginning Initiative will be the Geospatial Engineering and Land Surveying Career and Technical Education Pathway for the State of Texas.

 CBI’s role in supporting this effort

For more than 35 years, the Conrad Blucher Institute has endeavored to increase awareness of and education in the fields of geospatial engineering and land surveying. Through the Point of Beginning Initiative, we will continue our commitment to these efforts by:

  • Ensuring the Geospatial Engineering and Land Surveying CTE Pathway is approved in most TEA Regions by 2025.

  • Advocating with TEA for statewide Geospatial Engineering and Land Surveying CTE Pathway approval.

  • Developing and providing a Geospatial Engineering and Land Surveying CTE Playbook for ISDs and Industry.

  • Developing courses and course content that supports the Geospatial Engineering and Land Surveying CTE Pathway as well as upskilling professionals already in these industries.

  • Establishing articulation agreements and/or dual credit pathways for ISDs with four-year geospatial and surveying programs in Texas.

  • Developing an internship portal for Geospatial Engineering and Land Surveying CTE students to provide industry with skilled interns and future full-time employees.

Additional goals include:

  • Developing and hosting an annual CBI Summer Institute for high school STEM educators (including CTE instructors).

  • Developing and hosting Summer Geospatial Engineering Camps for middle school students.

  • Developing and hosting middle school Geospatial Engineering Day programming and building 8th grade CTE Experiences.

  • Creating a Workforce Training and Mentoring Program for Surveying and Geospatial Workforces.

However, we can’t reach these goals without the support of educational and industry partners.

To achieve these goals, educational entities, industry partners, and members of the geospatial engineering and land surveying community can support the Point of Beginning Initiative by:

  • Making a monetary donation to the CBI Point of Beginning Initiative.

  • Donating used surveying equipment such as field books, hard hats, vests, total stations, etc.

  • Volunteering to assist and train Geospatial Engineering and Land Surveying students in their GIS or surveying practicums/labs.

  • Serving as board members for their local Geospatial Engineering and Land Surveying Career and Technical Education (CTE) Program.

Together we can increase awareness of and broaden participation in the fields of geospatial engineering and land surveying. We can also increase preparation and enhance capacity throughout the region to foster and upskill a diverse workforce. By developing a strong coalition of multisector partners and uniting resources with the expertise of a broad range of stakeholders at local and regional levels, we can improve the resiliency of communities and economies throughout Texas.

Interested in supporting CBI’s Point of Beginning Initiative?

If you or your organization are interested in learning more about CBI’s Point of Beginning Initiative and how you can support the Geospatial Engineering and Land Surveying Career and Technical Education (CTE) Pathway in Texas, please fill out our Point of Beginning Initiative interest form or contact:

Seneca Holland

Phone: 361-960-2527

Email: CBIPOB@tamucc.edu